越南小姑娘 | 不擅中文的 | 精通英语和知道一点法语 | 现在我喜欢奇异铁,奥瑟,逆闪闪。欢迎各朋友用中文交流啦 (❁´◡`❁)

© Eliona
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Oh my , just from the jumble gumble I got from the Google translated version of this, it sounds so much exciting! Shout out to both three of you for doing a wonderful job. Thank you guys so much. I am constantly starving of well-written EoBarry fic so badly that I started to swallow Chinese ones. Still, not sure if you recognise me but I love your 非常规网恋系列 a lot. I generally despite lofter because I find it's hard to read and/or understand any fanfic posted via images (well Google translate fails most of the times so...) Still, I am happy to discover you all over again though ::hug::


再一次与 @重姬 和 @Suai 玩的连梗游戏,蓝色字体是Suai,红色字体是我,紫色字体为重姬。创作过程为Suai与重姬先写开头和结尾,彼此互相保密,最后由我来将开头和结尾连成一个完整的剧情。这次写的超开心的!!!


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